Cashtwist is another Network marketing in online business. The investment fee is only $9. It will turn your 400php into 3.8 million pesos.
How Cashtwist Work to Make Money Online?
Cashtwist is built in a forced 5x4 format.
Here are Potential Income and a format:
For Level 1 will only costs you $9 and 5 members pay you $9 each = $45
For Level 2 will only costs you $15 and 25 members pay you $15 each = $375
For Level 3 will only costs you $25 and 125 members pay you $25 each = $3,125
For Level 4 will only costs you $45 and 625 members pay you $45 each = $28,125
TOTAL = $31,670
Cashtwist is a team work. you are never working alone. Your upline will fill your downlines if they are done filling their level 1 tier. This is very easy work for only $9 or 400php investment.
You can upgrade into higher level just by referring only 2 people.
The payment processor is directly to your alertpay account.
This is how it goes..
Your level 2 members pay you for level 2
Your level 3 members pay you for level3
Your level 4 members pay you for level4
When you reach level 3 the twist button will be visible to your account and you can click or push that button to activate level 1 twist. This will earn you where your level 2 downlines is built for you.
So what are you waiting for.. Join us Now to get the TWIST!
do not watch others to make money, just act today how to make money online.
Click here to Join Our Cashtwist Team